www.IamMVP.com Domain is for sale!

Just think about various Business opportunities within this catchy, easy to spell and remember name, that also has a valuable meaning. In late 90s John Elway, Michael Jordan and Wayne Gretzky formed partnership and, with backing of serious investors, established www.MVP.com! Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on this venture! Now it is owned by CBS! So if you have a business idea related to sport or whatever, or if you are the MVP - IamMVP.com is the WWW site with a statement! One of a kind!

Among other things you can utilize the following business ventures 



You have an excellent opportunity to get complete ownership of this great Domain.

How much is it really worth? We don't know, but consider how it suites against the following major criteria!


Major Appraisal Criteria (scale 1 to 10, with 10 been the best!)


Based on the above criteria the Domain should be valued at $$$$$$



We are looking to sell the rights for $100,000. However, we will accept for future consideration serious offers starting at $50,000. To ensure we give your offer at most attention, please make a one time non-refundable payment of $20 (click to pay) before contacting us!


Please e-mail with questions / comments    E-mails without the payment will be ignored.